If you’ve ever been to a private concert in someone’s home or back yard, you know there’s no better way to enjoy someone’s music. Personal interaction, a relaxed atmosphere, usually some snacks and above all, connection.
As an artist, the chance to interact personally with everyone in attendance during my performance and in the breaks helps me tailor the evening to make it a unique experience.
The crazy thing is, it’s probably the easiest type of concert to organize. Make a list of friends and family to invite. Maybe join with a friend and host it together. As you invite people, suggest a donation of $20-30 per person to cover artist expenses. On the night, provide 25-40 places to sit in your home or have people bring their beach chairs for the back yard. Put together a table of snacks to gather around before the music and during the intermission. I’ll take care of the rest. Let’s get the party started.
Interested? Email me. durandrobinson@gmail.com