Every now and then there’s a milestone moment in life. I’ve always written music; it’s part of my daily routine, and part of the way I process what’s going on around me. The songs don’t have to be hits to keep me writing. Sometimes I’ve wanted to quit, but that’s about as easy as giving up breathing.
Most of my songs end up being performed to my leather chair in my studio. Some make the light of public display. I’ll admit, without an audience, it’s hard for me to keep motivated and not feel like I’m just pretending I’m a songwriter.
But this past weekend, surrounded by some of the most amazing performers and writers I know, there was a little space for me. It felt good to belong, to contribute, and to be part of creating six songs with them. That in itself was remarkable.
But more profound for me was that by the end of the weekend, I stopped listening to the voices in my head saying I was just a poser of a writer. I found a small tribe of creative folks who took me in and accepted me as one of them. Can’t wait to see our music out there for you to enjoy.